Making Learning Time Fun

Teacher Gabby Roa-Limjoco will share expert tips on how to encourage playful learning at home and help us manage our expectations and worries about our children's academic development during the quarantine.
Teacher Gabby Roa-Limjoco will share expert tips on how to encourage playful learning at home and help us manage our expectations and worries about our children's academic development during the quarantine.
Mabby Camacho, owner and chief crafter of @mabbymakes on Instagram teaches us how to document our moments with our family and make a creative journal that we can look back to with fondness in the coming years. The best part? We can make use of this craft to send as a gift for our friends and loved ones, or even make money out of your finished products! Happy crafting!
Practice mindful breathing and meditation that is designed especially for moms by certified Life Coach Kimi Lu, with extra attention to the needs of expecting moms. Also uploaded on Mommy Mundo's IGTV.
A guide in unlocking hidden writing skills driven by learning to find gratitude in the smallest of things. in your daily life, and from your thoughts and experiences.
Certified Sleep Consultant, Child Behavior Specialist and Mommy Mundo Partner Ria Campos-Lopez explains what sleep training means, and how the practice and good, proper sleep benefits overall health in children, on a surface level.
Time to tidy up! Christine Dychiao shows you the Konmari way to fold jeans, shirts, and toughest of all, fitted sheets!
A specially designed course for expecting moms by pioneering childbirth and infant massage expert (a certified instructor of the Philippine Association of Childbirth Education, or PACE), Rome Kanapi, who has been teaching the Mommy Mundo community through the quarterly event Pregnant Pause for almost a decade. This course covers a lot of what you might hear at Pregnant Pause, but these lessons are longer, more comprehensive, and includes tips and content she only mentions here!