Course Category: Wellness

  • Family Nutrition

    by Luchie Callanta
    2 Lessonsin ,
    • The Mechanics of Menu Planning - 500
    • Nutrition for Children - 500

    Professor Luchie Callanta from the UP Diliman College of Home Economics, a licensed Registered Nutritionist Dietician and co-author of the “Cooking for Health” Series, designed Mommy Mundo Learns' Family Nutrition course to address moms' quite common issues in the kitchen and dining table, such as "Am I feeding my little one right?", "What should I cook today, I've run out of ideas!" or "Is there any way I can cook any healthier than I already do?" If any of these questions have been yours at any point in time, welcome mommy, you've come to the right place!

  • Do-It-Yourself Home Decor

    by Indy Ycasiano
    1 Lessonin
      Do-It-Yourself Home Decor

      Let Indy Ycasiano teach you how to transform foraged leaves and foliage in your surrounding area found purely through exploration, into a beautiful centerpiece for your table at home!

    • Meditation for Moms and Pregnant Moms

      by Kimi Lu
      1 Lessonin ,

      Practice mindful breathing and meditation that is designed especially for moms by certified Life Coach Kimi Lu, with extra attention to the needs of expecting moms. Also uploaded on Mommy Mundo's IGTV.

    • Building Resilience from a Heart of Gratitude

      by Leah Eriguel
      1 Lessonin
      • Building Resilience from a Heart of Gratitude - 500
      Building Resilience

      A guide in unlocking hidden writing skills driven by learning to find gratitude in the smallest of things. in your daily life, and from your thoughts and experiences.

    • KonMari Way

      by Christine Dychiao
      3 Lessonsin ,
      KonMari Way

      Time to tidy up! Christine Dychiao shows you the Konmari way to fold jeans, shirts, and toughest of all, fitted sheets!